
"Στο μέλλον, η Γη έχει κατορθώσει να ανακάμψει μετά από τους μακρόχρονους εμφύλιους πολέμους της και την μεγάλη κοσμο-καταστροφή της μαγνητικής καταιγίδας. Οι χρυσοί αιώνες ακολούθησαν, και τώρα η ανθρωπότητα απολαμβάνει τους καρπούς του πολιτισμού της έχοντας αποικήσει και σε άλλους πλανήτες του ηλιακού συστήματος, στις περίφημες ιπτάμενες ηπείρους του Κρόνου και τις φουτουριστικές μεγαλούπολεις του Ουρανού.
Κάποιοι άνθρωποι όμως, με ικανότητες που μόνο λίγοι μπορούν να κατανοήσουν, επωφελούνται από τις άγριες συνθήκες που επικρατούν μεταξύ των τριών πλανητών της Ομοσπονδίας, και στέκονται έτοιμοι για να προκαλέσουν κακό.

Μόνο μια δύναμη ανώτερη είναι ικανή να αντιμετωπίσει τους κινδύνους που προσπαθούν να διαταράξουν την φυσική γαλήνη του κόσμου και να επαναφέρει την αρμονία."

Teaser :)

Hello gang.
Maybe it's too early to show this, but I'm quite excited so... look who's back in these small teaser from the 4th book! =I

Pages are flowing at a good pace, and although the Galaxia #4 is longer than the previous books, it may be finished faster than I thought, after all. :)

Oh, and something else, too.
The' fanzine cover (made by Lena) features a lot of well-known comicbook characters! And look! Among them is our missy, too! The image itself is also a very nice test to sharpen your comic knowledge. Can you name them all?

Lena's comics:

Thankies to Lena, and for you, have a nice week.

The Emerald on the Shelves!

First of all, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ!
or... Christ has been resurrected! Yeah, right on!

Secondly, the third Galaxia book is on the shelves of the local bookstores from today. So, if anyone of ya didn't get it at the greek comic convention, go ahead and get it from your friendly neighborhood comic store. Right now!!!

Two pics from the book:

Have a nice Easter.

ComicDom Con 2012 Aftermath

First of all, I 'd like to thank you for all the support you 've showed to our booth Comicworld and to me and my new volume. Each time the audience grows by far, and this, my friends, is a very hopeful thing.

This year's ComicDom Con (the biggest, baddest comic-con in Greece) was an interesting insight. It had a lot of new things and many, many workshops and discussions about our profession. The great Milo Manara was the special guest, along side with Mike Carey, Rufus Dayglo, Zara Slattery, Douglas Paszkiewicz and Yildiray Cinar! More info here (greek):

I 've also mentioned that I was going to be a judge for the cosplay contest. Well, that thing was a BEAST! Personally, I was jawdropping all the time, and I 've got to tell you that greek cosplayers have nothing to be jealous of the cosplayers of other countries.

You can see a huge collection of the Con's photos right here:

This week's been a little relaxing. After two cons in a row, I think that I've earned it. :)

Oh, and check this out, too! Another cutie fan art for our lovable gall, this time by Ariana:

Thank you! ^_^
Check for more by Ariana here please:

DA account:

C u soon!