I'll be there as-well, signing the brand new volume of *drums*
Signing hours:
Friday 30th March: 18:00-21:00
Saturday 31st March: 14:00-18:00
Sunday 1st April: 11:00-14:00 & 17:00-20:00
The comic-con takes place at the Hellenic American Union at 22nd Massalias str. and you can find me at the Comicworld booth as usual.
Another cool thing that's about to happen there, is the upcoming cosplay competition on Saturday at 19:30. Be sure to check it out! I'm going to be one of the judging committee and we 're about to see a lot of great costumes made with care. =)
More stuff about the Con's whole programme, you can find in here.
By the way, check out another great fan art gift (for my birthday as well) made by the magnificent Elias Chatzoudis! Thanks!

More stuff about the Con's whole programme, you can find in here.
By the way, check out another great fan art gift (for my birthday as well) made by the magnificent Elias Chatzoudis! Thanks!

Elias's Website: